Wednesday, July 29, 2009

FiRsT lEcTuRe oVeRvIeW

HoWdY aLl My HoMiEs,
Today, was my first lecture Yo'
Mr. Nicholas is our course convener... and...


iN tHe lEcTuRe We WeRe BrEiFeD wItH aN oVeRvIeW Of ThE cOuRsE...

I was surprised by the extent to which technology has changed, and the speed at which it is changing...
i LEARNT that computers are the future of technology... All the newest technology is adopting the computer software... for example new mobile phones...

We would once communicate with written letters, then telephone (landline) then e-mail, then mobile telephones, then Text messages... and now there is instant messenger. for example MSN.

Thats what i learnt in my lecture today Yo'
QuItE iNtErEsTiNg I mIgHt SaY!!!

...peace out...

we shall speak in my next blog Yo'

Sunday, July 26, 2009

wEeK oNe 1 MoNdAy MoRnInG

Hey sexy chillers,

Just posting you all a little letter to give you an insight into my life...
It is Monday morning... VERY FIRST TUTORIAL.... i made it Yo'

Doin' tis sub-ject Yo' to boost me' GPA. Wanna do dentistry Yo'
Its all ok

...Yo' livin the life up in the GC village...

Tutes are fun... just learning the latest techno Yo' doof doof doof

Just chattin about those nasty ...BULLIES...
...Look out Yo'... I'll sort those loosers out...

This is my first BLOG Yo',.,.,.,.,.,.,., IM WICKED AND AMAZING...
i can use the latest technology....
....I'll be popping blogs on this page quicker than u can change your underpants....